What Types Of Injuries Do Motorcyclists Generally Sustain From Accidents?
The dangers to a motorcycle rider are tremendous. Unfortunately, a motorcycle does not have the ability to protect its occupant like an automobile which is an enclosed cabin equipped with seatbelts, airbags and other safety features a motorcycle lacks. The motorcyclist, in the smallest of impacts, will face ejection or the dropping of the bike, where he or she will sustain injuries to the lower and upper extremities. A motorcycle is not designed for safety, so the injuries that one will sustain riding a motorcycle accident are far greater than those involved in an automobile collision often resulting in traumatic brain injury.
What Are Some Key Components That You Look For In A Viable Motorcycle Accident Claim?
Motorcyclists, at least in California, I have found are not liked by jurors. On the Freeway, a motorcyclist will split the lane and some drivers will be aggressive towards them while others will pull to the side and give them access because they understand that you are allowed to split or share lanes in California. Jurors, historically, have a distaste for motorcyclists. As attorneys we are charged with changing this view of motorcyclists by portraying them as a good rider, one who obeys laws and is cautious, and as is often the case making it clear to the insurance representative or defense counsel that splitting the lane is allowed and a jury instruction in this regard should be put before the jury and that this rider is entitled to a financial recovery to compensate him or her for the injuries sustained.
If a motorcyclist falls or gets injured, the injuries can be catastrophic. The role of a good lawyer is to monitor the medical care of this injured individual to make sure that he or she is getting the proper care that they need right away. In some cases, they may be rendered a quadriplegic or a paraplegic, so this includes making sure that they get State benefits, if their health insurance doesn’t cover immediate rehabilitation where they can get specialized care as they must be tended to sooner than later for the best possible prognosis. Further, it will require attorneys to hire nurse consultants to monitor the long-term medical care and needs of the injured Motorcyclist and for attorneys to seek the future medical expenses from the responsible party or their insurer.
For more information on Motorcycle Accident Injuries In California, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (888) 747-5545 today.

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